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Call for PhD Students

 Call for applications for 3-years PhD program


Department of Chemical Engineering
Kyoto University
Kyoto University-Katsura, Kyoto 615-8510, Japan
Chemical Engineering Fundamentals Research Area
Soft Matter Engineering Lab. (Yamamoto Gr.)
TEL: +81-75-753-7531 (Kyoto University General Reception)


Public transport and campus map [Kyoto University HP]

Directions to Katsura Campus [School of Engineering HP]

Directions to our Lab: From “Kyodai-Katsura-Campus-mae” Bus Stop, please first go to the main entrance of A2 building (the ground level is 3F of the building). Keep the same floor passing through A3 building and a sky-walk to A4 building. Use a staircase down to 1F. We are in rooms 113-119.

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