List of Publication
List of Publication
[Recently Accepted]
Title: "Investigation of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Cluster Formation in Mixtures of Ester and Hydroxy-Terminated cis-1,4-Polyisoprene Chains in Oligomers of Natural Rubber"
Authors:Mayank Dixit(*), Takashi Taniguchi(*)
Accepted for publication in ACS Applied Engineering Materials at 17 Jan 2025
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
Title: "Effective pitch reduction of self-assembled lamellae "
"by the use of (PS-b-PMMA)n multiblock copolymers"
Authors: Kenji Yoshimoto(*), Takashi Taniguchi,
Accepted for publication in JJAP : Microprocesses and Nanotechnology 2024 (MNC2024)
at 16 Jan 2025
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
- Mayank Dixit(*), Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Exploring the Role of Hydroxy- and Phosphate-Terminated cis-1,4-Polyisoprene Chains
in the Formation of Physical Junction Points in Natural Rubber:
Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations"
ACS Polymer Au 4(4), 273-288 (2024).
(Accepted Date 23 April 2024)(Publication Date:May 15,2024)
This publication is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0. Open Access
- Mayank Dixit(*), Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Effect of Impurities on the Formation of End-Group Clusters in Natural Rubber:
Phenylalanine Dipeptide as an Impurity Protein"
Macromolecules 57, p.2588-2608 (2024).
(Accepted Date 21 Feb 2024, Available online March 5, 2024) Published:March 26, 2024
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
- Yan Xu, Yuji Hamada and Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Multiscale simulations for polymer melt spinning process using Kremer-Grest CG model and continuous fluid mechanics model"
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 325, 105195(10 pages) (2024)
(Accepted Date Jan 27, (2024), Available online 30 January 2024, 105195) Publication Date:15 Dec 2023
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
- Xu Yan, Souta Miyamoto, and Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Machine-learning based multi-scale simulation for polymer melt spinning process"
Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi (Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan)
51(5), 281-294 (2023)
(Accepted Date 2023 Aug 21) Publication Date:15 Dec 2023
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
- John J Molina(*), Kenta Ogawa Takashi Taniguchi
"Stokesian processes : inferring Stokes flows using physics-informed Gaussian processes"
Machine Learning: Science and Technology 4(4), 045013(23 pages) (2023)
(Accepted Date: 11 October (2023)) Publication Date: 20 October 2023
- Mayank Dixit(*), Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Role of Terminal Groups of cis-1,4-Polyisoprene Chains in the Formation of Physical Junction Points in Natural Rubber"
Biomacromolecules 24, 3589-3602 (2023)
(Accepted Date: 19 July (2023)) Publication Date: 1st Aug 2023
- Miyamoto Souta (宮本奏汰)(*), John J. Molina(*), Taniguchi Takashi (谷口貴志)(*)
"Machine-Learned constitutive relations for multi-scale simulations of well-entangled polymer melts"
Physics of Fluids 35, 063113(12 pages) (2023).
(Accepted Date: 27 May 2023), Publication Date:13 June 2023
- Souta Miyamoto, Takeshi Sato, Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Stretch-orientation-induced reduction of friction in well-entangled bidisperse blends:"
" a dual slip-link simulation"
Rheologica Acta 62, 57-70 (2023).
(Accepted Date: 3-Nov-2022), Publication Date:November 15, 2022
- Dixit Mayank(*), Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Substantial Effect of Terminal Groups in cis-Polyisoprene: A Multiscale Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study"
Macromolecules 55, p.9650-9662 (2022).
(Accepted Date: 05-Oct-2022), Publication Date (Web):October 19, 2022
- Salatto, Daniel; Carrillo, Jan-Michael; Endoh, Maya; Taniguchi, Takashi;
Yavitt, Benjamin; Masui, Tomomi; Kishimoto, Hiroyuki; Tyagi, Madhusudan;
Ribbe, Alexander; Garcia Sakai, Victoria;
Kruteva, Margarita; Sumpter, Bobby; Farago, Bela; Richter, Dieter;
Nagao, Michihiro; Koga, Tadanori
"Structural and Dynamical Roles of Bound Polymer Chains in Rubber Reinforcement"
Macromolecules 54, 11032-11046 (2021).
(Accpeted Date: 08-Nov-2021), Publication Date:November 22, 2021
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
- 谷口貴志(Takashi TANIGUCHI), モリーナ ジョン(John J. MOLINA)
"Machine Learning for the flow prediction of fuids with memory effects on the stress"
Japanese J. Multiphase Flow 35, No.3, 426-436 (2021).
(in Japanese)
Naoki Seryo, John J. Molina(*), and Takashi Taniguchi
"Applications of Bayesian Data Analysis And Machine Learning to Flow Problems"
Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi(Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan) 49, 97-113 (2021).
(Accpeted: 2021.Jan.8)
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
Takeshi Sato and Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Multi-Scale Simulation for Flows of a Bidisperse Entangled Polymer Melt"
Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi(Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan) 49, 87-95 (2021).
(Accpeted: 2020.Dec.8)
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
- Kenji Yoshimoto and Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Viscoelastic Phase Separation Model for Ternary Polymer Solutions"
The Journal of Chemical Physics 154, 104903 (2021).
(11, March 2021 Publish on Web)(Accpeted: 2021.Feb.18)
arXiv [cond-mat.soft]
- Yuji Hamada, Takeshi Sato, and Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Multiscale simulation of a polymer melt flow between two coaxial cylinders under nonisothermal conditions"
Mathematics in Engineering, 3(6): 1-23 (2020).
(Accepted 28,July,2020)
DOI: 10.3934/mine.2021042
(Download Free : Click Here)
arXiv:2007.14857 [cond-mat.soft]
- Naoki Seryo, Takeshi Sato, John J. Molina(*), and Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Learning the constitutive relation of polymeric flows with memory"
Physical Review Research 2, 033107 (2020).
Accepted 27,June,2020
DOI:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.033107 (Download Free)
arXiv:2008.02000 [cond-mat.soft]
この論文は,AI Japanのホームページにて紹介された.
This article is introduced in
AI Japan R&D Network (人工知能研究開発ネットワーク)(In Japanese)
(In English)
In Japanese
In English
- Salatto Daniel,
Koga Yuto,
Bajaj Yashasvi,
Huang Zhixing,
Yavitt Benjamin,
Meng Yizhi,
Carrillo Jan-Michael(*),
Sumpter Bobby,
Nykypanchuk Dmytro,
Taniguchi Takashi,
Endoh Maya(*),
Koga Tadanori(*)
"Generalized protein repellent property of ultrathin homopolymer films"
Macromolecules, 53, 6547-6554 (2020 )
Accepted 12 June 2020
- Gregory Lecrivain(*), Taisa Beatriz Pacheco Grein, Ryoichi Yamamoto, Uwe Hampel, and Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Eulerian/Lagrangian formulation for the elasto-capillary deformation of a flexible fibre"
Journal of Computational Physics, 409, 109324, May 15, (2020).
Accepted 11 February 2020
Available online 17 February 2020
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
- Yuka Sakuma, Toshihiro Kawakatsu, Takashi Taniguchi, and Masayuki Imai
"Viscosity Landscape of Phase Separated Lipid Membrane Estimated from Fluid Velocity Field"
Biophysical Journal, 118, pp.1576-1587, April 7, (2020).
Accepted (14 Jan 2020)
DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2020.01.009
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
- Yanzhen He, Lu Li, Takashi Taniguchi, Remco Tuinier, and Tai-Hsi Fan(*),
"Flow induced by an oscillating sphere in probing complex viscosity of polymer solutions"
Physical Review F, 5, 013302(24 pages) (2020)
(Publication Date: Published 7 January (2020),
(Accepted:14 Dec 2019)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.013302
- Takeshi Sato and Takashi Taniguchi (*)
"Rheology and Entanglement Structure of Well-Entangled Polymer Melts:
A Slip-Link Simulation Study"
52, pp.3951-3964(14 pages) (2019)
(Publication Date (Web) 16 May 2019),
(Accepted:(6 May 2019)
DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.9b00314
- Takeshi Sato,
Kohei Harada,
Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Multiscale Simulations of Flows of a Well-Entangled Polymer Melt
in a Contraction-Expansion Channel"
52 (2), pp 547-564 (17 pages) (2019)
(Publication Date (Web) 7 January 2019),
(Accepted:(27 Nov. 2018)
DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.8b00649
- Tadanori Koga (*);
Deborah Barkley ;
Michihiro Nagao ;
Takashi Taniguchi ;
Jan-Michael Carrillo ;
Bobby Sumpter ;
Tomomi Masui ;
Hiroyuki Kishimoto ;
Maho Koga ;
Jonathan Rudick ;
Maya Endoh
"Interphase structures and dynamics near nanofiller surfaces in polymer solutions"
Macromolecules, 51 (23), pp.9462-9470, (2018).
(Publication Date (Web) 2018)
(Accepted: 06 Nov. 2018)
DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.8b01615
- Shihomi Masuda, Salome Mielke, Federico Amadei, Akihisa Yamamoto, Pangpang Wang,
Takashi Taniguchi, Kenichi Yoshikawa, Kaoru Tamada(*), Motomu Tanaka(*),
"Nonlinear Viscoelasticity of Highly Ordered, Two-Dimensional Assemblies
of Metal Nanoparticles Confined at the Air/Water Interface"
Langmuir, 34 pp.13025-13034 (2018). (Published 28 September 2018)
- Gregory Lecrivain(*), Yuki Kotani, Ryoichi Yamamoto, Uwe Hampel, and Takashi Taniguchi(*),
"Diffuse interface model to simulate the rise of a fluid droplet across a cloud of particles",
Phys. Rev. Fluids 3, 094002 (14 pages) (2018). (Published 25 September 2018)
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
- Norihiro Oyama, Kosuke Teshigawara, John Jairo Molina,
Ryoichi Yamamoto, Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Reynolds number dependent dynamical transitions on hydrodynamic
synchronization modes of externally driven colloids"
Physical Review E 97, 032611 (12 pages) (2018). (Published 30 March 2018)
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
- Ji-Qin Li, Tai-Hsi Fan(*), Takashi Taniguchi, Bi Zhang
"Phase-field modeling on laser melting of a metallic powder"
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 117 pp.412-424 (2018)
(Published February 2018)
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
- Gregory Lecrivain(*), Ryoichi Yamamoto, Uwe Hampel and Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Direct numerical simulation of an arbitrarily shaped particle at a fluidic interface"
Physical Review E, 95 063107 (7 pages) (2017)
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
- Takeshi Sato and Takashi Taniguchi(*),
"Multiscale simulations for entangled polymer melt spinning process"
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 241 34-42 (2017)
DOI: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2017.02.001
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
- Takeshi Sato, Kazuhiro Takase and Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Multiscale simulation of polymer melt spinning by using the dumbbell model"
Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi
(Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan)
44 No.5, pp.265-280 (2016).
DOI: 10.1678/rheology.44.265
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
- Gregory Lecrivain(*), Ryoichi Yamamoto, Uwe Hampel and Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Direct numerical simulation of a particle attachment
to an immersed bubble"
Physics of Fluids 28 083301 (11pages) (2016)
DOI: 10.1063/1.4960627
- Shunsuke F. Shimobayashi(*), Masatoshi Ichikawa and Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Direct observations of transition dynamics
from macro- to micro- phase separation
in asymmetric lipid bilayers induced by externally added glycolipids"
EPL 113 56005 (6 pages) (2016)
DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/113/56005
- Naisheng Jiang, Maya Endoh, Tadanori Koga(*), Tomomi Masui,
Hiroyuki Kishimoto, Michihiro Nagao, Sushil Satija,
Takashi Taniguchi
"Nanostructures and dynamics of macromolecules
bound to attractive filler surfaces"
ACS Macro Letters, 4, pp.838-842 (2015)
Publication Date (Web): July 24, 2015
DOI: 10.1021/acsmacrolett.5b00368
- Remco Tuinier(*), Tai-Hsi Fan and Takashi Taniguchi
"Depletion and the dynamics in colloid-polymer mixtures"
Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science
20 pp.66-70 (2015).
DOI: 10.1016/j.cocis.2014.11.009
- Antti Lamberg and Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Coarse Grained Computational Studies of Supported Bilayers:
Current Problems, and Their Root Causes"
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 pp.10643-10652 (2014).
DOI: 10.1021/jp5053419
- Mehdi Karzar-Jeddi, Remco Tuinier, Takashi Taniguchi, and Tai-Hsi Fan(*)
"Stochastic Interactions of Two Brownian Hard Spheres
in the Presence of Depletants"
Journal of Chemical Physics, 140, 214906(13 pages)(2014).
AIP Scitation
DOI: 10.1063/1.4880199
- Antti Lamberg(*) and Takashi Taniguchi
"Freezing of Stressed Bilayers and Vesicles"
Soft Matter 10 Issue:2, 257-261 (2014).
DOI: 10.1039/C3SM52432A
- Pengjian Gong, Takashi Taniguchi and Masahiro Ohshima(*)
"Nanoporous structure of the cell walls of polycarbonate foams"
Journal of Materials Science 49, Issue 6, 2605-2617 (2014) .
DOI: 10.1007/s10853-013-7959-4
- Yoshihiro Hori, Kenji Yoshimoto, Takashi Taniguchi, Masahiro Ohshima,
"Multi-Scale DSA Simulations For Efficient Hotspot Analysis"
Alternative Lithographic Technologies VI (Proc. SPIE) 9049 90492L (2014).
DOI: 10.1117/12.2046155
- Kenji Yoshimoto and Takashi Taniguchi
"Large-Scale Dynamics of Directed Self-Assembly Defects on Chemically Pre-Patterned Surface"
Alternative Lithographic Technologies V(Proc. SPIE) 8680, 86801 (2013).
DOI: 10.1117/12.2011826
- Kenji Yoshimoto and Takashi Taniguchi
"Large-Scale Simulations of Directed Self-Assembly with Simplified Model"
Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology 26, Issue: 6,
809-816 (2013).
DOI: 10.2494/photopolymer.26.809
- Masayasu Fujino, Takashi Taniguchi, Yasuhiro Kawaguchi, and Masahiro Ohshima
"Mathematical Models and Numerical Simulations
of a Thermally Expandable Microballoon for Plastic Foaming"
Chemical Engineering Science 104, 220-227 (2013) .
DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2013.09.010
- Yuka Sakuma, Takashi Taniguchi, Toshihiro Kawakatsu and Masayuki Imai
"Tubular Membrane Formation of Binary Giant Unilamellar Vesicles
Composed of Cylinder and Inverse-Cone Shaped Lipids"
The Biophysical Journal 105 pp.2074-2081 (2013).
Science Direct
DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2013.09.021
- Takahiro Murashima Shugo Yasuda, Takashi Taniguchi, and Ryoichi Yamamoto
"Multiscale Modeling for Polymeric Flow:
Particle-Fluid Bridging Scale Methods"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
82, 012001 [15 pages] (2013), (INVITED REVIEW PAPERS).
DOI: 10.7566/JPSJ.82.012001
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
- Peter Gin, Naisheng Jiang, Chen Liang, Takashi Taniguchi,
Bulent Akgun, Sushil K. Satija, Maya K. Endoh, and Tadanori Koga
"Revealed architectures of adsorbed polymer chains
at solid-polymer melt interfaces"
Physical Review Letters 109, 265501 [5 pages] (2012).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.265501
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
- Y. Ishimoto, T. Murashima, T. Taniguchi, and R. Yamamoto,
"Two-dimensional lattice liquid models"
Physical Review E86, 031124 [13 pages] (2012).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.86.031124
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
- Takashi Taniguchi, Yuichiro Arai, Remco Tuinier and Tai-Hsi Fan
"How Flow Changes Polymer Depletion in a Slit"
European Physical Journal E35: 88 [12 pages] (2012),
DOI: 10.1140/epje/i2012-12088-7
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
- Hideyuki Uematsu, Shuichi Tanoue, Yoshiyuki Iemoto,
Masataka Sugimoto, Takashi Taniguchi and Kiyohito Koyama
"Development of Polymer Extrusion Extruder for Evaluating
with a Small Amount of Polymeric Material
---Evaluation of Shear Viscosity and Processability of Film---"
International Polymer Processing No.04, pp.434-441 (2012) [No volume number]
DOI: 10.3139/217.2559
- Takahiro Murashima and Takashi Taniguchi,
"Flow-History-Dependent Behavior of Entangled Polymer Melt Flow Analyzed by Multiscale Simulation"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
81 SA013, September, pp.1-7, [7 pages] (2012).
DOI: 10.1143/JPSJS.81SA.SA013
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
- Masayuki Uranagase, Takashi Taniguchi, and Ryoichi Yamamoto
"Electrostatic Potential around a Charged Colloidal Particle
in an Electrolyte Solution with Ion Strong Coupling"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 96
024803 [7 pages](2012).
DOI: 10.1143/JPSJ.81.024803
- Takahiro Murashima and Takashi Taniguchi,
"Multiscale simulation of history dependent flow in entangled polymer melt"
Europhysics Letters 96 18002 [6 pages] (2011).
DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/96/18002
arXiv (cond-mat.soft)
(a)プレスリリース 科学技術振興機構報 第828号Press Release(2011年09月09日)
(b) 日経プレスリリース
(c) 化学工業日報9月12日付
(d) マイコミジャーナル
(*) JST マルチスケール・マルチフィジックス現象の統合シミュレーションのTOPICSに取り上げられました。
- Mitsunori Asada, Peter Gina, Maya K. Endoha, Sushi K. Satijac,
Takashi Taniguchi, and Tadanori Koga,
"Directed self-assembly of nanoparticles at the polymer surface
by highly compressible supercritical carbon dioxide"
Soft Matter, 7 pp.9231-9238 (2011).
DOI: 10.1039/C1SM05693J
Brookheaven Photon Science eNewsに、
- Takashi Taniguchi, Miho Yanagisawa and Masayuki Imai
"Numerical investigations of the dynamics of two-component vesicles"
J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 23 284103 [11 pages] (2011)
DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/23/28/284103
KURENAI (Freely downloadable)
The figure 5 in this paper has been selected
as the cover image of the issue 28, JPCM. Click
- Yuka Sakuma, Naoto Urakami, Takashi Taniguchi and Masayuki Imai
"Asymmetric distribution of cone-shaped lipids in a highly curved
bilayer revealed by a small angle neutron scattering technique"
J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 23 284104 [6 pages] (2011)
DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/23/28/284104
- Yoshimune Nonomura(*), Takehide Ikeda, Masataka Sugimoto, Takashi Taniguchi
"Phase Inversion of Pickering Foam and Dry Water Stabilized by Microbowls"
Chemistry Letters 40 pp.136-137 (2011)
DOI: 10.1246/cl.2011.136
- Miho Yanagisawa(*), Masayuki Imai, and Takashi Taniguchi
"Periodic modulation of tubular vesicles induced by phase separation"
Physical Review E 82, 051928 [9 pages] (2010)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.82.051928
- Yosuke Kadomae, Masataka Sugimoto, Takashi Taniguchi, and Kiyohito Koyama
"Discharge behaviors and jet profiles during Electrospinning of Poly(vinyl alcohol)"
Polymer Engineering and Science 50 pp.1788-1796 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/pen.21713
- Yuka Sakuma, Takashi Taniguchi and Masayuki Imai,
"Binary Giant Vesicles with Pore Opening and Closing Ability"
The Biophysical Journal 99 pp.472-479 (2010)
- Ryohei Komuro, Koji Kobayashi, Takashi Taniguchi,
Masataka Sugimoto, and Kiyohito Koyama
"Wall Slip and Melt-Fracture of Polystyrene Melts in Capillary Flow"
Polymer 51 Issue:10 pp.2221-2228 (2010)
DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2010.03.014
- Yu Mizuochi, Takashi Taniguchi, Masataka Sugimoto, Kiyohito Koyama,
"Electric Field induced surface profile change of liquid film
on a periodically aligned electrode array"
Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan, 38, No.2, pp.81-86 (2010)
This paper has been promised to received "Award: Ronbun-shou 2011 (論文賞 2011in Japanese)".
This paper has been promised to receive Award in the Society of Rheology, Japan:
"Ronbun-Award 2011" ("2011年度日本レオロジー学会論文賞" in Japanese).
DOI: 10.1678/rheology.38.81
- Takashiro Murashima and Takashi Taniguchi
"Multiscale Lagrangian fluid dynamics simulation for polymeric fluid"
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics,
48, Issue 10, pp.886-893 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/polb.21975
- Shotaro Nishitsuji, Mikihito Takenaka(*) and Takashi Taniguchi
"Computer simulation study on the shear-induced phase separation in
semi-dilute polymer solution by using Ianniruberto-Marrucci model"
Polymer 51, Issue 8, pp.1853-1860 (2010)
DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2010.02.031
- Osamu Takiguchi, Masataka Sugimoto, Takashi Taniguchi, Kiyohito Koyama
"Elongational Behavior of Epoxy During Curing",
Journal of Applied Polymer Science,
144, pp.1018-1024 (2009)
DOI: 10.1002/app.30553
- Masataka Sugimoto, Takumi Koizumi, Takashi Taniguchi, Kiyohito Koyama
Katsuhiro Saito, Daigo Nonokawa and Tsuyoshi Morita
"Melt Rheology of Hyperbranched Polystyrene Synthesized
with Multi-site Macromonomer",
Journal of Polymer Science Part B 47, pp.2226-2237 (2009)
DOI: 10.1002/polb.21820
- Yosuke Kadomae, Masataka Sugimoto,
Takashi Taniguchi, and Kiyohito Koyama
("Relation between Spinning Condition
and Jet Profile in Electrospinning")
Journal of JSPP (Seikei-Kakou), 21 p.627-632 (2009).
DOI: 10.4325/seikeikakou.21.627
- Yosuke Kadomae, Yasuhide Maruyama, Masataka Sugimoto,
Takashi Taniguchi and Kiyohito Koyama
"Relation between Tacticity and Fiber Diameter
in Melt-Electrospinning of Polypropylene"
Fibers and Polymers, 10, No.3, pp.275-279 (2009)
DOI: 10.1007/s12221-009-0275-6
- Masataka Sugimoto, Takashi Taniguchi, Yuji Aoki, and Kiyohito Koyama
"Rheology and Morphology Change with Temperature
of SEBS/Hydrocarbon Oil Blends",
Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics,
47, Issue 10, Date: 15 May, pp.955-965 (2009).
DOI: 10.1002/polb.21699
- Takashi Taniguchi,
"Self-Consistent Field Theory and Density Functional Theory
for Self-Organization in Polymeric Systems"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,
78 No.4, 041009 (2009) [11 pages].
DOI: 10.1143/JPSJ.78.041009
- Yosuke Kadomae, Masahiro Amagasa, Masataka Sugimoto,
Takashi Taniguchi and Kiyohito Koyama
"Effect of electric current on beads formation
in electrospinning of poly(vinyl alcohol)"
International Polymer Processing
23, pp.377-384 (2008)
DOI: 10.3139/217.2140
- Osamu Takiguchi, Daisaku Ishikawa, Masataka Sugimoto,
Takashi Taniguchi and Kiyohito Koyama,
"Effect of Rheological Behavior of Epoxy during Precuring on Foaming"
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
110, pp.657-662 (2008)
DOI: 10.1002/app.28727
- Miho Yanagisawa, Masayuki Imai, and Takashi Taniguchi
"Shape Deformation of Ternary Vesicles Coupled with Phase Separation"
Physical Review Letters, 100 148102 [4 pages], (2008)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.148102
- Hideyuki Uematsu, Yuji Aoki, Masataka Sugimoto,
Takashi Taniguchi and Kiyohito Koyama
"The effect of 1,3:2,4-bis-O-(p-methylbenzylidene)-D-sorbitol(PDTS)
on uniaxial elongational viscosity of polypropylene"
Rheologica Acta, 47(2) p.237-242 (2008)
DOI: 10.1007/s00397-007-0242-3
- Remco Tuinier, Takashi Taniguchi and H. H. Wensink
The European Physical Journal E - Soft Matter
23, 355-365 (2007)
"Phase behavior of a suspension of hard spherocylinders
plus ideal polymer chains"
DOI: 10.1140/epje/i2007-10197-0
- Shotaro Nishitsuji, Mikihito Takenaka,
Takashi Taniguchi, and Hirokazu Hasegawa
Kobunshi Ronbunshu 64(5), 324-327 (2007) (in Japanese)
"Computer Simulation Study on the Shear-Induced Phase Separation
in Semi-Dilute Polymer Solutions by Using Ianniruberto-Marrucci Model"
DOI: 10.1295/koron.64.324
- Tetsu Mitsumata, Mitsuaki Nagata, Takashi Taniguchi and Seigou Kawaguchi
"Storage Modulus of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Gels Loaded with Polyelectrolyte Particles"
e-Polymers, 7, no.1, Article number: 056 (8pages) (2007), ISBN 1618-7229
DOI: 10.1515/epoly.2007.7.1.650
- Masataka Sugimoto, Hirokazu Hida, Takashi Taniguchi,
Kiyohito Koyama and Yuji Aoki
Rheologica Acta, 46 957-964 (2007)
"Rheological properties of poly(vinyl chloride)/plasticizer systems
--- Relation between sol-gel transition and elongational viscosity ---"
- Masaki Kakuda, Tatsuhiro Takahashi, Ken Miyata,
Masataka Sugimoto, Takashi Taniguchi and Kiyohito Koyama
日本接着学会誌, 42 No.12 506-512 (2006)
(in Japanese)
"Relationship between Hot Tack Strength and Entanglement Behavior
for Two Kind of Polystyrene Having Different Molecular Weight Distribution"
- Mikihito Takenaka, Shotaro Nishitsuji, Takashi Taniguchi,
Masataka Yamaguchi, Koichi Tada, Takeji Hashimoto,
Polymer, 47, 7846-7852 (2006)
"Computer simulation study on the shear-induced phase transition
in semidilute polymer solutions in 3-dimensional space"
DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2006.08.024
- Kaori Watanabe, Kiyoka Okada, Akihito Toda, Shinichi Yamazaki,
Takashi Taniguchi, Kiyohito Koyama, Koji Yamada, and Masamichi Hikosaka
Macromolecules 39, 1515-1524 (2006)
"Acceleration mechanism of growth rates under shear flow due to
the oriented melt-Novel morphology of spiral crystal (spiralite)"
DOI: 10.1021/ma050825z
- Takashi Taniguchi, Tetsu Mitsumata,
Masataka Sugimoto, and Kiyohito Koyama
Physica A,
370, pp.240-244 (2006)
"Anisotropy in Elastic Modulus of Hydrogel containing Magnetic Particles"
DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2006.02.040
- Masataka Sugimoto, Yasuhiro Suzuki, Kyung Hyun Ahn,
Tsutomu Ushioda, Akihiro Nishioka, Takashi Taniguchi and Kiyohito Koyama
Rheologica Acta, 46, 33-44 (2006)
"Melt rheology of long-chain-branched polypropylenes"
DOI: 10.1007/s00397-005-0065-z
- Tomomi Masui, Masayuki Imai, Kaori Nakaya and Takashi Taniguchi
Journal of Chemical Physics, 124, 07904-12 [12 pages] (2006)
"Effects of Grafted Polymer Chains on Lamellar Membranes"
DOI: 10.1063/1.2168452
- Mihoko Nishio, Akihiro Nishioka,
Takashi Taniguchi and Kiyohito Koyama
Polymer, 46, 261-266, (2005)
"Rheological Properties of Ethylene Ionomer
Neutralized with Binary Metal Cation"
- Remco Tuiner and Takashi Taniguchi
Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter,
17, L1-L6, (2005)
"Polymer depletion induced slip near an interface"
DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/17/2/L01
- Takashi Kurose, Tatsuhiro Takahashi, Masataka Sugimoto,
Takashi Taniguchi and Kiyohito Koyama
Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan
33, No.4, 173-182 (2005)
"Uniaxial Elongational Viscosity of PC/ A Small Amount of PTFE Blend"
DOI: 10.1678/rheology.33.173
- Tatsuya Yamaue, Takashi Taniguchi and Masao Doi,
Molecular Physics,
102, No.2, pp.167-172, (2004)
"The simulation of the swelling and deswelling dynamics of gels"
DOI: 10.1080/00268970310001640094
- Q. Wang, T. Taniguchi and G.H. Fredrickson
Journal of Physical Chemistry B,
108 , No.21, pp.6733-6744, (2004)
"Self-consistent field theory of polyelectrolyte systems"
DOI: 10.1021/jp037053y
- Tetsu Mistumata, Akiyasu Nagata, Kazuki Sakai and Takashi Taniguchi
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,
43 , 8203-8207, (2004)
"Anisotropy in Storage Modulus for Magnetic Gels Induced by Ma"
- Takashi Taniguchi and Masao Doi
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,
43, No.10, 6968-6973, (2004)
"Modeling of the Spin Coating Film Transfer and Hot Pressing Method in the new LSI process I
--- the film transfer process ---"
DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.43.6968
- Takashi Taniguchi,
Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan ,
32, Nov.1, 27-32, (2004)
"Theoretical and Numerical Studies on Viscoelastic Effect
in Phase Separation of Polymeric Systems"
DOI: 10.1678/rheology.32.27
- J. Takagi, T. Nemoto, T. Takahashi, T. Taniguchi and K. Koyama
SEN'I GAKKAISHI 60(7), 230-234 (2004) (in Japanese)
"Improvement of mechanical properties for poly (L-lactic acid) film
through drawing process optimization"
DOI: 10.2115/fiber.60.230
- Tetsu Mitsumata, Yuuki Suematsu, Keiko Fujii, Tomoyuki Fujii,
Takashi Taniguchi and Kiyohito Koyama
"pH-Response of Chitosan, kappa-Carrageenan,
Carboxymethyl Cellulose Sodium Salt Complex Hydrogel"
Polymer, 44, Issue 23, November, pp.7103-7111 (2003)
DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2003.09.001
- Kaori Watanabe, Toshihiko Suzuki, Yuichi Masubuchi,
Takashi Taniguchi, Jun-ichi Takimoto and Kiyohito Koyama
"Crystallization kinetics of polypropylene under high pressure and steady shear flow"
Polymer 44, No. 19, pp.5843-5849 (2003)
DOI: 10.1016/S0032-3861(03)00604-9
- E. Juliac, T. Mitsumata, T. Taniguchi, K. Iwakura and K. Koyama
"Ultrasonic Investigations of Hydrogels Containing Barium Ferrite Particles"
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
107, No. 203, pp.5426-5431 (2003)
- T. Mitsumata, E. Juliac, K. Furukawa, K. Iwakura, T. Taniguchi, and K. Koyama
"Anisotropy in Longitudinal Modulus of Ferrite Containing Polymer Gels"
Macromolecular Rapid Communication
23, pp.175-178 (2002)
DOI: 10.1002/1521-3927(20020201)23:3<175::AID-MARC175>3.0.CO;2-9
- A. Onuki and T. Taniguchi
"Viscoelastic Effects in Early Stage Phase Separation in Polymeric System"
Journal of Chemical Physics, 106(13), 1 April, 5761-5770 (1997).
DOI: 10.1063/1.473595
- T. Taniguchi,
"Shape Deformation and Phase Separation Dynamics of Two Component Vesicles"
Physical Review Letters 76, 4444-4447 (1996).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.76.4444
- A. Onuki, R. Yamamoto and T. Taniguchi
"Phase Separation in Polymer Solutions Induced by Shear"
Journal de Physique II (France), 7, 295-304 (1997).
DOI: 10.1051/jp2:1997126
- T. Taniguchi and A. Onuki
"Network Domain Structure in Viscoelastic Phase Separation"
Physical Review Letters 77, 4910-4913 (1996).
- T. Taniguchi, K. Kawasaki, D. Andelman, and T. Kawakatsu,
"Phase Transitions and Shapes of Two Component Membranes and Vesicles II :Weak Segregation Limit"
J. Phys. II (France) 4, 1333-1362 (1994).
DOI: 10.1051/jp2:1994203
- T. Kawakatsu, D. Andelman, K. Kawasaki, and T. Taniguchi,
"Phase Transition and Shapes of Two Component Membranes and Vesicles I : Strong Segregation Limit"
J. Phys. II (France) 3, 971-997 (1993).
DOI: 10.1051/jp2:1993177
Article in Monthly Journal of Academic Societies (学会記事)
- 宮本 奏汰(Souta Miyamoto), John J. Molina, 谷口 貴志(Takashi Taniguchi)(*)
化学工学会誌 第87巻 第3号 p.111-113 (2023).
- Takashi Taniguchi,
"Studies on Dynamics of Flexible Fibers in a Binary Fluid"
Hosokawa Powder Technology Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 28, 55-63 (2021).
Published: May 25, 2021
Released: May 25, 2021
Hosokawa Powder Technology Foundation ANNUAL REPORT(J-STAGE in English)
- 佐藤健, 谷口貴志
"特集 コンピュータで視る高分子"
高分子 66巻 10月号, pp.555-557 (2017)
Takahiro Murashima and Takashi Taniguchi,
Ensemble, The molecular simulation society of Japan,
13, No.3, July, pp.118-124 (2011)
- Takeshi Sato, Kohei Harada and Takashi Taniguchi(*)
"Multiscale simulation of polymeric fluid"
Seikei-Kakou, 29 pp.52-56 (2017).
佐藤健, 原田浩平,谷口貴志(*)
成形加工, 29 pp.52-56 (2017).
- Takashi Taniguchi and Ryoichi Yamamoto,
"Review: Multiscale simulations for Soft Matters"
BUTSURI (The Physical Society of Japan)
67 No.5, May, pp.317-324 (2012).
2012年5月第67巻第5号 日本物理学会誌
谷口貴志, 山本量一
- 安田修悟、村島隆浩、 谷口貴志、山本量一,
Shugo Yasuda, Takahiro Murashima, Takashi Taniguchi and Ryoichi Yamamoto
"Multiscale Simulation for Softmatters"
Journal of the Japan society for simulation technology(日本シミュレーション学会誌)
31 (No.1) 23-27 (2012).
ISSN 0285-9947
- 村島隆浩, 安田修悟、谷口貴志、山本量一,
Takahiro Murashima, Shugo Yasuda, Takashi Taniguchi and Ryoichi Yamamoto
--- 高分子メルトのマルチスケールモデル---"
工業材料(日刊工業新聞社) 60(No.4), 27-30 (2012).
ISSN 0452-2834
Conference Proceedings (国際会議議事録)
- Miho Yanagisawa, Masayuki Imai, and Takashi Taniguchi
"Shape Deformation of Vesicles Coupled with Phase Separation"
Progress of Theoretical Physics,
Supplement No. 175, pp.71-80 [10 pages], (2008)
- Kiyohito Koyama, Hideyuki Uematsu, Masataka Sugimoto, Takashi Taniguchi,
Teiichi Inada, and Tetsuro Iwakura,
"The Effect of 3rd Component on the Melt Rheology of Polymer Blend System"
AIP Conference Proceedings 1027(1): pp.526 - 527 (2008).
- Takashi Taniguchi, R. Uchino, M. Sugimoto, and K. Koyama,
"Orientation Dynamics of Block Copolymer under an Electric Field"
AES Technical Reviews International Journal
Part A : International Journal of Nano and
Advanced Engineering Materials, (IJNAEM),
1 Issue 1, pp.29-33 (2008), ISSN 1916-5358
- Osamu Takiguchi, Masataka Sugimoto,
Takashi Taniguchi and Kiyohito Koyama,
"Effect of viscosity of an epoxy near or over
its gel point on foaming structures"
AIP Conference Proceedings, 982 p.501-503, (2008)
- Takashi Taniguchi, Ryoichi Uchino,
Masataka Sugimoto and Kiyohito Koyama,
"Numerical and Experimental Studies on Alignment Dynamics
of Lamellae of Block Copolymer under an Electric Field"
AIP Conference Proceedings, 982 p.482-485, (2008)
- Remco Tuinier, Jan K. G. Dhont, Takashi Taniguchi and Tai-Hsi Fan,
"Nanoparticle Retardation in Semidilute Polymer Solutions"
AIP Conference Proceedings, 982 p.326-330, (2008)
- Masayuki Imai, Miho Yanagisawa and Takashi Taniguchi,
"Shape Deformation of Ternary Vesicles Coupled with Phase Separation"
AIP Conference Proceedings, 982 p.667-671, (2008)
- Kiyohito Koyama, Takahiro Miura, Takashi Taniguchi,
Suetsugu Yoshiyuki and Atsushi Sato
IEICE Technical Report , US2005-74 (信学技報 No.10, (2005))
"Cavitations in High Viscous Liquids by Ultrasonic Wave" (in Japanese)
- Takashi Taniguchi, Naoki Kobayashi, Masao Doi, Masataka Sugimoto
and Kiyohito Koyama
"Light Transmittance of Solid Polymeric Film including Spherulites"
AIP Conference Proceedings 708, 771-772 (2003)
Eds. M. Tokuyama, and I Oppenheim,
3rd International Symposium on Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems, Sendai, Japan
3-8 November (2003)
- M. Doi, T. Aoyagi, H.Fukunaga, R.Hasegawa, T.Honda, T.Kawakatsu,
N.Kobayashi, H.Kodama, A.Kuroda, Y.Masubuchi, H.Morita,
M.Nishimoto, M.Noda, M.Sasaki, F.Sawa, T.Shoji, J.Takimoto,
T.Taniguchi, H.Tasaki, S.Urashita, T.Yamaue and K.Yokomizo
"Platform for Designing High Functional Materials"
Proc. International Conference on Advanced Polymers and Processing,pp.129-133, Oct. 30-Nov.2 (2001).
- Masato Makino, Takashi Taniguchi and Masao Doi,
"Simulation of particles in a binary mixture"
Proc. International Conference on Advanced Polymers and Processing,
pp. 171-177, Oct. 30-Nov.2 (2001).
COPY of Proceedings
Original PDF
- Takahiro Yukimura, Takashi Taniguchi and Masao Doi,
"Dynamics of Diblock Copolymer Melts under Electric Fields"
Proc. International Conference on Advanced Polymers and Processing,
pp. 237-243, Oct. 30-Nov.2 (2001).
- T. Yamaue, T. Taniguchi, and M. Doi
"The simulation of large deformation of Gels
by Stress-Diffusion Coupled Model"
Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan
25, 767-770 (2000)
- T. Yamaue, T. Taniguchi, and M. Doi
"Shrinking Process of Gels by Stress Diffusion Coupled Dynamics"
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement
138, 416-417 (2000)
- T. Taniguchi, K. Sato and M. Doi
"Electro-Rheological Effects of Binary Fluid Mixtures"
AIP Conference Proceedings 519, 581-583 (1999)
Eds. M. Tokuyama, and H. Eugene Stanley,
Third Tohwa University International Conference, Fukuoka, Japan
- T. Yamaue, T. Taniguchi, and M. Doi
"Shrinking dynamics and patterns of gels"
AIP Conference Proceedings 519, 584-586 (1999)
Eds. M. Tokuyama, and H. Eugene Stanley,
Third Tohwa University International Conference, Fukuoka, Japan
- A. Kuroda, T. Yamaue, T. Taniguchi, and M. Doi
"Simulation of Fracture of Polymeric Material"
AIP Conference Proceedings 519, 262-264 (1999)
Eds. M. Tokuyama, and H. Eugene Stanley,
Third Tohwa University International Conference, Fukuoka, Japan
- T. Taniguchi
"Shape deformation dynamics induced by phase separations on two component membranes"
Progr. Colloid Polym. Sci. 106 pp.274-276 (1997)
- A. Onuki, R. Yamamoto, T. Taniguchi
"Viscoelastic effects and shear-induced phase separation in polymer solutions"
Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 106 pp.150-157 (1997)
Editors: F. Kremer (Leipzig) G. Lagaly (Kiel).
Guest Editors: K. Kawasaki, B. Lindman and H. Okabayashi
Formation and Dynamics of Self-Organized Structures
in Surfactants and Polymer Solutions (Springer)
- T. Taniguchi, T. Kawakatsu, and K. Kawasaki,
"Concentration Profile of Polymers near a Spherical Surface"
in Slow Dynamics in Condensed Matter.,
AIP Conference Proceedings 256, 503-504 (1991).
Lecture Article (総説・解説)
- Cover Story: "Polymers to Compute and to be Computed"
"Self-Consistent Field Theory and Linear Mean Field Theory"
"For Self-Organization in Polymeric System"
Author: Takashi Taniguchi
KOBUNSHI, HIGH POLYMERS, Japan 56, No.12, pp.996-999 (2007)
---特集: 計算する高分子・計算される高分子 ---
著者 : 谷口貴志
高分子学会誌, 高分子 12月号 56巻 pp.996-999 (2007)
- 高分子レオロジーと成形加工CAEの基礎
---その中身と周辺問題 ---
(20) メゾスコピック系のCAE : エマルジョン・サスペンジョン系
Author: T. Taniguchi
Seikei-Kakou, 18, No.8, pp.571-578 (2006)
Translation into Japanese: (翻訳)
- Title: Dynamics of Polymeric Liquid
---- 2 Kinetic Theory ----
Authors: Bird et al,
Title in Japanese: 高分子の流動ダイナミクス 第2巻 運動学的アプローチ
Translators:K. Koyama and T. Taniguchi
Review Article
- Journal of the Society of Powder Technology, Japan
Title: "Meso scale structure and physical properties of adsorbed polymers at interfaces"
Written in Japanese
Author: T. Taniguchi and T. Honda
粉体工学会誌 7月号 2002年 第39巻 7号, pp.533-542
2. 粒子界面物性と粒子間相互作用
2.1 界面におけるメソスケール高分子吸着構造と特性
著者:谷口 貴志、本田 隆
- 粉体工学会誌 7月号 2002年 第39巻 7号, Page. 550
- 中性子小角散乱(small angle neutron scattering)
- 枯渇効果
- 高分子ナノテクノロジーハンドブック
最新ポリマーABC技術を中心として (編集代表:西俊夫) NTS出版会 (発効日:2014年3月11日)
ISBN 978-4-86043-410-6
第5編 第9章 「多階層計算」 p.817-824 の部分を執筆
- 高分子辞典 第3版 社団法人 高分子学会編集
朝倉書店 2005年 7月出版
ISBN 4-254-25248-X C3558
As one of the authors: T. Taniguchi.
書評 (Book Review)
- 日本物理学会誌 (BUTSURI, ISSN 0029-0181)
末崎幸生 著 「脂質膜の物理」の書評
62, No.10, pp.798-799 (2007)
- 日本物理学会誌 (BUTSURI, ISSN )
P. K. Khabibullaev and A. A. Saidov 著:
"Phase Separation in Soft Physics"
Micellar Solutions, Microemulsions, Critical Phenomena の書評
59, No.4, p.244 (2004)
- 会議報告
"Internal Workshop on Physical Phenomena in Multi-Component Membranes"
News Letter No.8
著者:谷口 貴志
- 「PPS-23」レポート(2)
Rheology and Rheometry,
Process Modeling and Simulation,
Extrusion and Extrusion Processes
プラスチックエージ, (ISSN 0551-0503)
53, Nov, pp.90-98 (2007)
著者:谷口 貴志
- 会議報告
国際高分子加工学会第22回年次大会 (PPS-22)
プラスチックス (Japan Plastics)
57, No.10, pp.86-88 (2006)
著者:谷口 貴志