* Current job openings [#g65204ad]

** Name and Number of positions [#abf370ea]

- JST-CREST Research Fellow / 2 Persons

** Place [#j253df03]

- Kyoto, Japan (Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University, [[Yamamoto Group:http://www-tph.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/index.php?en%2FFrontPage]])

- Yokohama, Japan (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Keio University, [[Yasuoka Group:http://www.yasuoka.mech.keio.ac.jp/]])

** Research Projects [#x192b7e7]

- Kyoto University
-- developments of multi-scale simulation methods for soft matters (polymer flow and colloidal systems).
-- computational studies on transport phenomena of complex fluids and soft matters.

- Keio University (Yokohama)
-- developments of hard/soft wares suitable for extremely large scale molecular dynamics simulations.
-- studies on bridging methods for connecting molecular dynamics and other coarse grained methods.

** Period [#d6af4d6d]

- April 1 2009 - March 31 2012 (one year contract x 2 times)

** Requirements [#n6c98155]

- Applicants must have PhD in related fields (Physics/Chemistry/Computational Science/etc).
- Better to have some experience in computational physics/chemistry/mechanics or computer science (parallel computing/Computer graphics/Software development).

** Salary [#m55b9929]

- Approx. 5,000,000 JPY / Year, include salary, allowances, bonuses, etc. (approx. 1JPY = 0.11USD, 25/11/2009)

** Documents Needed to Apply [#d2a30a5e]

+ Curriculum vitae
+ List of publications
+ Reprints of representative papers (up to 3)
+ Proposal for future research
+ Two recommendation letters or names of two referees whom we can contact

** Application Deadline [#xc0a76f8]

- The above documents must be received by 22 Dec 2009 at the following contact address.

** Contact Address [#t42ba049]

- Prof Ryoichi Yamamoto, Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto 615-8510, JAPAN.
- ryoichi@cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp